Wireless Sensor Connectivity Module
Wireless Features:
- Cellular: Telit ME910C1-WW with GPS
- Bluetooth: Fanstel BT840 BT5.0 BLE
- LoRa: G-NiceRF LoRa 915MHz
- Sensor Options:
- 6-Axis IMU Accelerometer/Gyro
- 9-Axis IMU Accelerometer/Gyro/Magnetometer
- Temperature & Humidity (Si7021)
- Gas, Pressure, Temperature & Humidity (BME680)
- ToF Range Sensor (2m)
- Microphone
- Certifications:
- PTCRB Certified
- Verizon Certified
- AT&T TRENDI Certified
- ARM MBED Enabled
Module includes:
- Custom plastic housing with mounting holes & airflow vents
- Rechargeable, powerful LiPo Battery
- Integrated LiPo charging circuit with micro-USB interface
- Micro-USB Cable
- Integrated Cell, GPS, and Bluetooth antennae
- ATT cell SIM and one month of evaluation use.